Thursday, 20 March 2025

Look Who Bounced Into My Sketchbook Today...

Image shows a cute line and wash spring rabbit on the grass, and the hand- lettered words "Spring, yes Spring is Here!"
Tap or click here if you'd like to download and share
this rabbit's take on spring. Image is best for screens,
not print, and please keep all the attributions. Many thanks

Hello there

Well, this image says it all, really. Here in London, it actually feels like spring (well, for this week, anyway :-). And so, in place of my planned post, I thought I'd share the joy of this cute rabbit... Tap or click on the image, or here, if you'd like to do the same.

The story here...

The story is simple. Earlier today, I was about to start on the planned post, when I had an irresistible urge to enjoy the sunshine...And then to take out my sketchbook...And half an hour or so later, (time may have warped a little as I sketched ;-),  this cute bunny  had appeared. 

Amazingly, though utterly unplanned, this rabbit is also  just in time for the Spring Equinox, which is on March 20th this year, I believe.

So you get to have this little cutie, at pretty much the same time as me. Which means I haven't had chance to "do anything with" this image yet (though will post links if and when that happens).

Previous rabbits and bunnies...

If you've been here a while though, you'll know that plenty of cute rabbits and bunnies have appeared in this blog over the years already. Such as the ones in Easter sheets and kit available here and here.

And of course, the ever-popular cartoon rabbits on an Easter card over at Zazzle:

In this image, one cartoon rabbit is saying to another, "Whatever you do, don't get one of those Easter rabbit jobs. the humans are crazy and think we lay eggs..."
Tap or click here to see more... 


I know that as I'm adoring the spring, people in the Southern Hemisphere are also welcoming autumn. So if you're on the hunt for an autumnal image today, have a look at this post.

Overwhelmingly and overridingly though, my joy at the change of season is so profound that have just got to end this post by saying...Happy Spring!

More soon.

Thursday, 13 March 2025

A Tale of Two Watercolours

Hello there


Don't know how it feels to you, but things are a tad intense out there right now.

Which led me, this week, to breathe as deeply as I could, and go back to basics. If it feels right, this is your invitation to do so too, as I show and tell you, the tale of two watercolours... 

Watercolour One: Stripey Purple Crocuses

Whenever life feels like it is spinning too fast, I'm learning just to breathe, and return, to  inspiration in the strangest of places...Revelling in the simple joy of putting pen to paper (or, in the case of the crocus below, digital pen to tablet).

Image shows a small cluster of purpley mauve and white stripey crocus, with gold centres, drawin in a watercolour line and wash sketch style, with purple and gold splatter effects around the edge of the square image.
Purple Stripey Crocuses Digital Painting in Krita

I'd like to say that I felt inspired to create these crocus (or is it crocuses?) by a major event. I'd like to, but I can't.

 No, strangely, even in a week in which I received the most magnificent bunch of flowers from the dearest of friends (I mean, how lovely are these, and how lucky was I?)...

Photo credit: Jim Fernbank

the flowers which caught my eye with that indescribable whisper of, "Paint us now, please," were some brave little crocuses, pushing their way through the mud, in weak rays of "almost spring," sunshine.

Photo credit: Jim Fernbank

And they led, in double quick time, to the purple crocus picture you've already see. Which is already making its way into several places, to which I'll link when done. (Update on March 15th 2025: for starters,  they're here on wrapping paper).

Watercolour Two: Daffodils and Narcissi

As for the daffodils, they were gorgeous. And The Computer Man and I both enjoyed looking at them *so* much in our house for a full week. And yet, in three attempts, (one digital and two with pens and brushes) I'm only just now getting even close to capturing something about them that feels resonant, and has that "aha," or, "yes" moment (as you can see in this scan  from my sketchbook, below).

Image shows a line and wash watercolour sketch of yellow daffodils and pale narcissi with bright orange centres.
Daffodils and narcissi in my sketchbook


This tale doesn't have answers. I have no idea as to why one item should be easier to draw in any given week than another. (I've drawn both flowers in the past, in various amounts of complexity. Eg here, and here.)

But the lesson I'm taking from this tale is that following small joys, however strange or illogical it seems to be, strangely. yields the easiest path forward, at least for me, at the moment. 

And if that (and/or just the chance to sit down, breathe, and stare at some flowers) has in any way made everything seem a little less full-on for you too, then this post will have done its job.

Enough from here. As ever, thank you so much for being here, and for reading down this far. 

Enjoy your week-more soon.

Thursday, 6 March 2025

New Funny Watercolour Golf Cartoon Greeting Card

Hello there, and hope all is well with you.

I promised to post something completely different this week, and here it is.

More than anything, I thought you might appreciate a laugh at the moment. So, for the first time in waay too long, have  re-started drawing cartoons (hopefully funny ones!).

I don't know if potholes are a thing wherever you are, but they are in the UK. And if they're a concern for you, and/or you or someone you know plays golf, this line and wash digital watercolour cartoon's especially for you.


The caption on this cartoon reads "Sam had finally become more relaxed about the potholes in his road, since deciding to use them for putting practice. " The caption is illustrated by a watercolour cartoon pair of golfers legs and feet, putting a golf ball into a pothole (or trying to).
Tap or click here to see this in more detail,
and to buy it on a greeting card if you wish.

(By the way, the wording on the card says, "Sam had finally become more relaxed about the potholes in his road, since deciding to use them for putting practice...", but can be customised and changed to suit your own purposes).

More soon