It's confession time. Originally, you weren't going to see any Halloween designs here this year. I loathe horror films, large spiders, and anything related to guts and gore. So why do any designs on those themes, right?
But then, this cute little cat came into my head...(he's hand-drawn, but in digital oil pastels).
And I wondered whether anyone else out there might like a cute Halloween, with a little black cat, as well?
I know that local customs on this vary widely. But here in the UK, black cats are traditionally lucky. (And if YouTube is anything to go by, they're also loved elsewhere too).
Playing around a bit more, I was really surprised when something so simple looked good on a mug.
So he made his way onto a pumpkin-gold background...
Happy Halloween Black Cat Cards by BoundingSquirrel
Shop for a different greeting card template online at zazzle
And then, in different sizes, the cat and his clone morphed into a pattern...(More on patterns in another post. I've finally getting the hang of them, and can demonstrate a simple method if you're pattern-challenged too.
Anyway, the resulting pattern was here...
Painted Black Cats on Halloween Golden Background iPad Mini Case by BoundingSquirrel
Check out other Cat Cases at
And so, just like that, I ended up deciding to "do" Halloween 2014 after all.