Thursday, 12 December 2019

New Digital Painting: Whimsical Sleepy Fox

"Sleepy Fox" (whimsical digital watercolour in Krita 4.2) 

This sleepy little fox taught me two things today.

1) It is *always* worth taking a photo of something appealing the second you see it. In this case, I was glad that hubby and I had spotted and photoed this sleepy fox in a neighbour's garden during the summer. (It's a bleak, dark, rainy and windy day in December as I type this...And let me tell you *nothing* in the garden right now will beat this sleepy summer fox. :-)

2) Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, it's also *always* worth persevering. I nearly gave up on this little guy several times during the sketching process, doubting the angle ("His trademark tail is hidden..Oh, no!") the shape, and even the colours. But all in all, am glad I kept going.

Am still going to wait overnight for the mysterious "art fairy" to work her magic, and let me know whether there's more that I need to do here. But just for now, I'm going to leave this here and chill, just like our foxy friend here.

More soon...