Hope you've had a lovely week, and are coping with the heat/cold/other weather oddity (delete as applicable) in your particular part of the world. Here in London, it's seriously warm. So, where better to take you, than a lavender garden?
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This is a digital watercolour of mine in Krita, and it's based upon a trip we took to see the Fawcett Garden in Vauxhall.
As you can see from these photos, the garden is smaller than the mythical place in my imagination :-) (isn't that always the way?). But it is beautiful, and we got there at just the right time to see and smell, the lavender. (As ever, the Computer Man and I went together. Most of the photos are his, as he's much niftier with a camera than me).
Happy bees abounded...
And there were roses, too...
As well as a general feeling of "Cottage Garden-ness"...
Photo by JimFernbank |
Which is all the more amazing, when you consider that Vauxhall Park is just a stone's throw from the MI6 building in central London.
The thing I loved best though, is that the park's lavender (which also featured in rows like these)...
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Photo by JimFernbank |
is harvested every year, by volunteers, with proceeds from the resulting oil being used to fund the ongoing upkeep of the lavender garden.
You can't beat a situation so full of win-win aspects for everyone, can you?
And on that note, I'll just wish you a happy weekend (or week, depending upon when you're reading this).
And thank you for reading down this far into a long post :-).
More soon.
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