Not such a cheery post as usual this week-so sorry.
My Dad died last weekend, and so many, many things will now be completely up-in-the-air for a while.
He had however, had an excellent life, visiting more than 40 countries, and having the good fortune to die in such a way that absolutely everything that needed to be said and done, absolutely was.
One of the things he said to me often in the last few months (and indeed, in our very last conversation) was "Enjoy your life."
This seemed and seems to me like such a fabulous and inspiring message/ epitaph, that I really want to remember it, live it, and share it with others.
This seemed and seems to me like such a fabulous and inspiring message/ epitaph, that I really want to remember it, live it, and share it with others.
So, for starters, here is a piece of digital art journaling (in Rebelle 5) that I did the very first time he said that, back in December. It emerged when I was following a physical art journaling tutorial called "Blessings of a Feather", by Tamara Laporte. The mixed-media techniques in that video translated very easily into digital watercolour. Thanks so much Tam, for a lesson that has turned out to be so very important...

I was never intending to post this, but it seemed so perfectly designed for the moment, that I had to do so.
The future
I'm going to be taking some time to figure things out (including how best to take forward that instruction to enjoy my life!).
So, I'll be taking a break from here for a while, whilst we all say "Happy Travels" to my Dad, and to speculate about all the ways in which he is probably already enjoying his afterlife.
Please bear with me. There will be more of something, but quite what or when, am not sure yet.
And whatever comes or goes, please, keep enjoying your life in every possible way.