Friday 14 June 2024

Shed-Shaped Card to Print in A Hurry

Image is a lo-res screenshot of the complete items needed to make this shed-shaped card
This is a low-res screen-shot of the shed-shaped card

Hello there, (and yes, as you can probably tell from the title, this *is* the companion post to "Floral Cards You Can Print In a Hurry," from a few weeks ago).

I've just uploaded the design you see above, so that by the time you get this message in your inbox, it should be available to buy and print out in my Craftsuprint shop.

So fingers crossed, if you have a last minute Father's Day emergency this year, it should available to print out out and still look really fun and totally intended. (My huge apologies for not posting this earlier...I got struck down with a monster cold and cough...Yes, in June-that's our weather this year at work, I guess...).

But all's improving now. And should you find yourself reading or needing this after Father's Day, it's very versatile. Sentiment ideas like "I Love You Shed-Loads," and "Happy Birthday" are included on the sheet too. These are year-round winners, and not just limited to male shed-lovers, either...

In any event, hope this helps and is fun for you, and that all is well in your world.

More soon.


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