Thursday 26 September 2024

The Secret Life of Tissue Paper...

Hello there, and hope all's well with you.

Today, it feels like time to share something that I only realised recently. Which is that there's much more to tissue paper than meets the eye.

And this applies especially to tissue papers bearing patterns and designs, whether they're more vibrant like my new poppy design:

Or as subtle (and seemingly ever-popular- many thanks to everyone who's bought it) as my watercolour sky and clouds patterned tissue paper...

There are lots of uses for tissue paper

In case you're as unfamiliar with all this as I used to be, I probably ought to explain that whilst tissue paper makes a fine job of wrapping gifts and protecting delicate items, it also has an entirely  "other life, " and set of uses.

Or, to put it another way, anyone who's so inclined can completely change the look of their furniture and other items by sticking thin layers of patterned paper to it.

As I'm *much* more arty than crafty myself, have a look at Do Dodson demonstrating the idea with clarity and a beautiful result in her YouTube video on decoupaging.

If you're intrigued by this decoupage paper idea...

If you're intrigued by this idea, (or already a decoupage paper enthusiast) something I *can* offer you, is an ever-expanding selection of hand-designed decoupage/tissue papers in my Zazzle store.

With Halloween on the horizon as I type, for example, perhaps these ravens are calling to you (sorry, couldn't resist the pun :-) ) :

Or, something even more seasonal:


Whatever your preference, and whether for decoupage, wrapping or anything else, you can find my increasing collection of tissue and decoupage paper using my artwork as their design,  here.

Thanks *so* much for reading down this far, and have a lovely week.

More soon.