Thursday, 13 February 2025

The Flowers Are Coming...(Work-In-Progress)...

Image shows ink and watercolour pink, white and green wild tulip sketches on a white page.
Wild Tulip Sketches: Work-in-Progress

Hello there

How are you doing? Up here in the northern hemisphere at least (for I know I have other readers too-hello, and I see you...and can you send some sun, please?!) it feels as if things have been rather grey and cold for a looong time, as I type this.

But in this post, am doing my best to remind both you and myself that the flowers will be here soon.

The first signs of it are in the flower and leaf buds on some branches...

(OK, I exaggerated their progress somewhat in this Daphne bush sprig, but you get the idea...)

Image shows a line and wash watercolour painting of a branch, with fresh green shoots, and small pink Daphne flowers on it.
"Sprig of Daphne Flowers"

All of which is to say, spring will be arriving soon (rather like an upcoming collection, of which these are my some of my first, tentative, ideas). 

So far, it's mostly my wanting to evoke that *feeling* of walking around a garden in spring, when all the buds are beginning to burst into life, a gentle breeze is blowing, and the first warm sun begins to kiss your face again...

If that sounds good to you, stay tuned to see what becomes of these flowers, and in the meantime, as ever, thanks so much for being here, and for reading down this far.

More soon.


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