(If you'd like you can follow BoundingSquirrel at this link).
The "What?"
I create nature inspired art, with the aim and hope that it spreads the joy I feel in creating it to you and everyone who uses, sees and enjoys my items out in the world.
For this reason, some of my designs can also be used to create other items, for your own joy, and/or for sale. See my printable paper craft designs, and fabric and surface pattern designs, to get an idea of how this works.
The "How?"
Most of my designs involve some kind of watercolour (I know, I know, watercolor, if you're in the US ;-) ) and pen process. That process can be traditional, digital (stroke-by-stroke painting with a digital pen on a Wacom tablet) or a combination of the two.
Currently, it's also my personal choice not to use AI in any part of my process.
As a life-long animal lover and vegetarian, it's always felt deeply important to respect nature and the environment in all aspects of my life.
For this reason, I research carefully, and do the very best I can only to source and use vegetarian and vegan, non-toxic, art supplies, usually painting digitally instead if those products don't exist or are difficult to obtain or use. (Doing these things is not a "policy," but just my natural way of being).
Lastly, I only offer products via routes that are either printable (ie you print a digital item yourself, reducing shipping costs and waste) or print-on-demand (meaning that products are only manufactured when you order them). It's great to see that these same manufacturers are increasingly invested or investing in more eco-friendly material and dye technologies, too. No supply chain is perfect, but people power really can make a difference, it seems.
The "Why?"
I'm told that what links all my designs is a sense of whimsy, and if that's so for you too, that delights me. Let BoundingSquirrel be your place to step into some joy, whether for yourself, your creative projects, someone else, or all these things.
If all of this sounds fun to you, please do click or tap here to follow the BoundingSquirrel blog by email (or however suits you).
Why "BoundingSquirrel"?
Reasonably enough, people also often ask why a site sharing art and illustrations should be called BoundingSquirrel. And for the most part, the answer's simple. I love squirrels, and find the feeling of freedom that I get whilst creating art (and hope to transmit in everything I produce too) to be as happy and full of "bounce," as a bounding squirrel.
* Read the latest blog post here here.
* And subscribe to the blog here.
In any event, many thanks for stopping by, and for reading down so very, very, far...
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
(PS. If you would like to use the signpost graphic on this page on your own site, you're welcome to do so.